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Voices of Joy in Faith!

"...Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket; it is set on a lamp stand, where it gives light to all in the house."
Matthew 5:14-15
"With the words of St. Matthew in mind, we wish to thank all of our guests who have graciously blessed us with their time and wisdom in over seventy-three interviews, so that others might benefit by the light from their lamps! They have expressed their love for God and their Vocations, at the same time giving us many tips and insights on the joy of living a Catholic Life. We share them all with you on this website and pray that you might be enriched and encouraged in your faith by their witness, as we journey together to better know, love and serve God. Remember that you, too, can be a lamp to others - your words and actions can light the way for others to find Christ!
God bless you in your faith journey, wherever you are!"
Fr. Michael
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